A.Vogel, Dormeasan® Valerian-Hops Oral Drops 50ml


Dormeasan® is a herbal sleep remedy made from extracts of freshly harvested, organically grown Valerian root and Hops.Dormeasan® is not a 'sleeping pill. It is a herbal sleeping aid and won't normally leave you feeling groggy in the morning. Unlike many sleep remedies, Dormeasan® is available in the form of a liquid herbal tincture. Taken just half an hour before bedtime, it can help if you worry that you can't sleep - encouraging a more natural sleep, helping you sleep better and wake feeling refreshed.

  • Herbal sleep remedy
  • Helps restore natural sleep
  • Tinctures of Valerian and Hops
  • Fresh herb extract

Below are the 4 most common sleep problems encountered  which  Dormeasan® can help.

1. I can't get to sleep easily

2. My sleep is interrupted

3. I cant sleep when on holiday (or when working shifts) 

4. I have tried other remedies to help me sleep better


Directions & Dosage :

Dormeasan® may be used as a sleep remedy or for mild anxiety, by adults (over 18 years of age) and the elderly.

As a sleep remedy: Take 30 drops of the herbal remedy in a little water half an hour before bedtime.

For mild anxiety: This product may also be used to relieve the symptoms of mild anxiety. Take 10 - 20 drops once or twice daily.

Don't take more than the recommended dose. This product is not known to be habit forming.

For more advice to help you sleep better, go to our Tips for a Good Night's Sleep.

Who can't take Dormeasan® 

Do not use if you are allergic to valerian root or hops, or if you are already taking medication for disturbed sleep or insomnia, or another herbal sleep remedy

If your symptoms worsen or if you do not feel any benefit within 4 weeks, talk to your doctor

Do not use Dormeasan® if you are pregnant or breast feeding or if you are taking another medicine that is affected by alcohol


Ingredients & Nutrition Facts :

1ml of Dormeasan oral liquid (equivalent to 35 drops) contains:

Valerian root tincture 0.5ml (Valeriana officinalis L.) (1:10-11) Extraction solvent: ethanol 58%v/v

Hops strobile tincture 0.5ml (Humulus lupulus L.) (1:12-13) Extraction solvent: ethanol 65% v/v

Other ingredients used are ethanol and water.

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